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I Love You & Other Dumb Shit I’ve Said

We all have that one friend whose romantic life seems to be in a constant state of chaos. She’s the friend who sends a monologue-length text in the group chat at 3 a.m. after yet another horrible breakup.

Well, T. Lane is that friend, and in her romantic memoir I Love You & Other Dumb Shit I’ve Said, she recounts her stumbling romantic endeavors and their subsequent failures. From two-month flings to talks of marriage, she lays out all of her messy relationship details that her grandmother would describe as “unnecessarily airing out her dirty laundry.”

In I Love You & Other Dumb Shit I’ve Said, Tasha’s superpower is vulnerability as she shows you all her lovey-dovey ugly, so you’ll know you’re not alone and that there’s no shame in falling victim to love.